Friday, November 28, 2014


During this joyous and celebratory season, we at Casey’s House have much to celebrate and much to be joyous about. Never before have we been more active or more committed to the two issues that mean the most to us: our sanctuary and our Trap-Neuter-Return program. Never before have we been more generously supported or more consistently rewarded for our efforts, and we are humbled and gratified by your unflagging loyalty and continuing financial assistance.

**Please see our video, “Casey's House”. A link is on our website**

Now, as you gather with your family members and pet companions, we ask that you remember those felines without families. As you celebrate at home with those you love, we ask that you remember those with no home and no love. And, as this is the season of giving, we ask that you remember us. Your generous support will enable us to continue providing a safe haven for those cats in need of safekeeping and allow us to continue our TNR program as we endeavor to end the plight of feral and abandoned cats in our community.

How you can Help

  • Tax deductible gifts can be made either with the enclosed donation form or through our paypal account, a link to which is on our website, via our donation page.

  • Amazon Smile” donates a portion of your Amazon purchase to Casey’s House if you click on the ‘Amazon Smile” link found on our donation page at our website

  • igive” is an online shopping portal that donates a portion of your purchase to Casey’s House if you click on the ‘Shop Online Through IGive” link found on our donation page at our website

  • Combined Federal Fund, Our number is 86714

  • We recycle aluminum cans. Bagged cans can be brought to either Petco on Saturdays (by 4PM) or any time to our Bluemont location. Call Cindy at 703-220-9965 for more information.

Update on Pepper
Pepper, my dear office cat who I wrote about in my thank-you letters passed away last month. She came to Casey's House in much the same way as Casey did; an old cat that still had much left to give. She was 14 when she came and she lived another three years as my constant companion in my office. She kept me company many a late night during tax season. I will miss her sorely this coming season.
